
Here in this section you will find genuine customer feedback and reviews on Magnetic Therapy products.  If you would like to give us your feedback/reviews please send us an email: and put in the subject line feedback.

The magnetic back belt and magnetic tennis elbow support:

Further to my telephone call today I just wanted to drop you a Email to say how thrilled I am with the products I have bought from you.

Over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with a prolapsed disc in my lower back, no amount of physiotherapy or Anti inflammatory drugs helped but then I remembered your site and ordered a magnetic back belt.

I wore it religiously for 3 weeks solid and then one morning I was able to stand up out of bed without pain, something I have been unable to do for over 18 months!!

In October, 3 months later,  I returned to BARTS hospital for another MRI scan and was amazed to be told the prolapse had rectified itself!!.. it must have been within this 3 week period as I had been in considerable pain all the time prior to wearing the belt.

Since then I have wore the belt occasionally when it stiffens up and it always seems to alleviate the discomfort within a few days.

I am just thrilled to find a natural alternative to drugs or surgery ( they wanted to operate on me) that clearly works.!!

I have since ordered a elbow support for my partner who was suffering with Tennis Elbow and it has all but gone, and he then ordered a shoulder belt for his Mum, who has cancer, and that too alleviated her pain so what can I say.. ?? I am totally convinced that Magnetic belts help in all instances !!

I just want to thank the Magnetic Therapy team so much .. I cant tell you how thrilled I am to be pain free, I will certainly recommend your products to everyone I know.

(Jeanne, Kent)

I have been using magnetic therapy for over 10 years now, especially spot magnets, and decided to try the knee support (I ordered one a few months ago), and it's been marvelous so that's why I ordered another one for the other knee and a set for my sister, also living here in Greece. 
I read in one of your feedsbacks how not wearing a knee support for one day, meant so much pain, your writer was sent home from work to get it/them. Well, that's been my experience too. After having one knee "buckle" as I was just walking along, and suffering pain for over 5 months, I have felt so much better since wearing the knee support, pain (and burning sensation in the back of the knee), stopped and no limping. One day, I didn't put it on and the pain and burning returned, not as bad as before, but it was there! 
I wear a magnet bracelet and want one for the other hand, rather than change the one I've got on. I'll just have to wait some more for these!

(Sofia, Greece)

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