Tuesday 10 January 2012

Back Pain

The spine, health experts will say, is most prone to injury due to the daily use and stress placed on the back, especially towards the bottom of the spine (lumbar region) as it holds up your upper body. Add in the daily twists, turns, walks up stairs or low gradient slopes & exercising. Then after that figure in what you do at work, especially those of us who work in more manual or hands-on related industries. Even office workers can experience problems from incorrect posture at the keyboard or when lifting a heavy box of A4 paper. All this adds up, and inevitably the back becomes prone to injury.

Magnetic Therapy - back pain
This is highlighted by the numbers. In 2010/11 in the UK, 507,000 people reported suffering musculoskeletal disorders from work. Of this 207,000 cases were related to back injuries, which is a whopping 41% – the highest ranked physical injury at work.

However, despite the high numbers above, the number of new injuries reported in 2010/11 had fallen from the previous year, and this will no doubt have been due to the toughening of health and safety regulations at work. However for the many who are already suffering from back pain, this is of little comfort. What maybe of greater comfort for continuing or new back pain suffers is the creation of the magnetic back belt.

(Statistics from the Health and Safety Executive)

So if you are one of the very unlucky ones who suffer from back pain, and is looking for an alternative way to treat your back pain problems, why not try a Magnetic Back Belt? 

To read more about Magnetic Back Belts click here.

For video reviews of Magnetic Back Belts and how does Magnetic Therapy work, click here.

For recommended Magnetic products for back pain click here.

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