Thursday 1 December 2011

Gift Giving Tips from the Experts

Now that you have heard it from our Magnetic Therapy colleagues (refer to our Helpful tips for Christmas blog by clicking here), hear the gift giving tips from the experts.  


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Advice from the Experts -


Tips for men

“With women “you don’t have to bother” really means “you better get me something nice or you’re going to pay big time, mister!!” 

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Getting it right!

"Think about things your partner buys for his or herself, as well as their personal style, hobbies and interests. If you pay attention, it becomes obvious."

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Buying for kids

"I think that grandparents can easily throw together a fun gift for their grandkids by thinking "art & crafts". Some of the most used and loved gifts my daughters have received can from office supply store
s. They've included finger paints, big pads of paper, rubber stamps, markers and other kinds of art supplies"

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